
Swaab Award­ed Inno­va­tion Award at Annu­al ALP­MA Awards Night

Swaab was recent­ly recog­nised by the NSW branch ALP­MA with the Inno­va­tion Award at their annu­al awards evening.

Swaab was recent­ly recog­nised by the NSW branch of the Aus­tralasian Legal Prac­tice Man­age­ment Asso­ci­a­tion [ALP­MA] with the Inno­va­tion Award at their annu­al awards evening.

Swaab received the acco­lade for their efforts in tak­ing things to the next lev­el” when it comes to ser­vice deliv­ery and client focus.

ALP­MA NSW Pres­i­dent Sal­ly King, pre­sent­ed Swaab CEO Bron­wyn Pott with the award on the night.

Swaab have a great track record of being a high­ly inno­v­a­tive firm – they real­ly punch above their weight in the Syd­ney mar­ket. ” said King.

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