
Swaab Attor­neys ranks 17th in 50 Best Places to Work list 2011

Swaab Attor­neys has been ranked 17th in the BRW’s pres­ti­gious 50 Best Places to Work list 2011.

Swaab Attor­neys has been ranked 17th in the BRW’s pres­ti­gious 50 Best Places to Work list 2011.

It is the third con­sec­u­tive year that Swaab have made it to the list. The top 20 places were dom­i­nat­ed by IT and online busi­ness­es, and Swaab was the only law firm in the list, and the first pro­fes­sion­al ser­vices firm in the top 20.

The BRW Best Places to Work Awards are wide­ly acclaimed in Aus­tralia. Based on one of the world’s most com­pre­hen­sive stud­ies of work­place cul­ture, The Great Place to Work Insti­tute Aus­tralia, the qual­i­ty of this year’s BRW Top 50 Best Places to Work was high­er than ever.

Swaab CEO Bron­wyn Pott was in atten­dance at the announce­ment of the list, with a hand­ful of staff to cel­e­brate the pres­ti­gious accolade.

I am so delight­ed that I was able to attend the announce­ment of the award with our staff. It’s because of them that we receive these types of acco­lades and we feel very blessed to have such com­mit­ted and con­tent peo­ple on board with us.”

Man­ag­ing part­ner Fred Swaab echoed Bronwyn’s sentiment.

It’s very hum­bling to see that once again our staff enjoy com­ing to work for us every day, and agree to com­plete this sur­vey to val­i­date the efforts we make to keep them happy.”

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