
Swaab assists UXC with two strate­gic acquisitions

Swaab has advised UXC Lim­it­ed [UXC] on the acqui­si­tion of Key­stone Man­age­ment Solu­tions, Aus­trali­a’s largest reseller and ser­vices provider for Ser­vi­ceNow. Ser­vi­ceNow is the lead­ing glob­al provider of cloud-based solutions.

Swaab has advised UXC Lim­it­ed [UXC] on the acqui­si­tion of Key­stone Man­age­ment Solu­tions, Aus­trali­a’s largest reseller and ser­vices provider for Ser­vi­ceNow. Ser­vi­ceNow is the lead­ing glob­al provider of cloud-based solutions. 

The Wall Street Jour­nal has named Ser­vi­ceNow on its Next Big Thing” list for two con­sec­u­tive years. They have had growth rates of 70% per annum and have a mar­ket cap­i­tal­i­sa­tion of $7.6 bil­lion. UXC announced the part­ner­ship in August this year, mak­ing it one of their key dri­vers in achiev­ing mar­ket lead­ing posi­tions in new growth ini­tia­tives. The Key­stone busi­ness mod­el com­ple­ments the UXC strat­e­gy of increas­ing rev­enue over the next three years to over 30% of revenue.

In addi­tion, Swaab have also recent­ly assist­ed UXC on its agree­ment to acquire lead­ing dig­i­tal and com­merce spe­cial­ist, White Labelled. The acqui­si­tion will become part of whol­ly owned sub­sidiary UXC Oxy­gen and will pro­vide them with the solu­tions and ser­vices nec­es­sary to estab­lish a mul­ti­chan­nel cus­tomer expe­ri­ence plat­form for organ­i­sa­tions across all industries.

The Swaab team on both acqui­si­tions was led by part­ner Alis­tair Jaque and con­sist­ed of senior asso­ciate Andrew Drap­er and solic­i­tor Euge Power.

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