
Swaab announces the appoint­ment of Madeleine Urmoneit — Associate

We are pleased to announce the appoint­ment of Madeleine Urmoneit to the role of Asso­ciate in our Prop­er­ty and Com­mer­cial team. Madeleine joins the team spe­cial­is­ing in acqui­si­tions and dis­pos­als of busi­ness­es, finance and prop­er­ty trans­ac­tions and pro­vid­ing gen­er­al com­mer­cial advice. 

Work­ing along side Julie Briscoe — Part­ner Prop­er­ty, Plan­ning & Projects, Com­mer­cial & Cor­po­rate, Made­line Urmoneit’s appoint­ment recog­nis­es her excel­lent exper­tise and experience. 

Wel­come Madeleine.

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