
Swaab announces senior asso­ciate promotion

Swaab is pleased to announce the pro­mo­tion of Georgina King to the role of Senior Asso­ciate in their esteemed lit­i­ga­tion team.

Swaab is pleased to announce the pro­mo­tion of Georgina King to the role of Senior Asso­ciate in their esteemed lit­i­ga­tion team. Georgina’s excel­lent legal skills cou­pled with her desire to pro­vide excep­tion­al client ser­vice have seen her become an invalu­able part of the lit­i­ga­tion group.

Swaab CEO Bron­wyn Pott prais­es Georgina’s efforts Georgina has been with the firm for over three years now and dur­ing this time we have seen a strong growth in her skill set and abil­i­ty to deliv­er high-lev­el client ser­vice. She is a valu­able mem­ber of our lit­i­ga­tion team and this appoint­ment is a well-deserved advance­ment in her career. The part­ner­ship and I con­grat­u­late Georgina on her achievement.”

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