
Swaab advis­es UXC Lim­it­ed on two major acquisitions

Syd­ney law firm Swaab Attor­neys has advised list­ed IT ser­vices spe­cial­ist UXC Lim­it­ed on two major acqui­si­tions which expand UXC’s ser­vice offer­ings into the South­east Asian mar­ket and sig­nif­i­cant­ly increase its cyber secu­ri­ty capabilities.

Syd­ney law firm Swaab Attor­neys has advised list­ed IT ser­vices spe­cial­ist UXC Lim­it­ed on two major acqui­si­tions which expand UXC’s ser­vice offer­ings into the South­east Asian mar­ket and sig­nif­i­cant­ly increase its cyber secu­ri­ty capabilities.

Ora­cle soft­ware spe­cial­ist UXC Red Rock, has acquired asset life cycle man­age­ment provider Con­ver­gence Team. The deal will extend UXC’s capa­bil­i­ty to cov­er more Ora­cle appli­ca­tions and will also help growth into more asset-inten­sive industries.

UXC Con­sult­ing has acquired infor­ma­tion and cyber secu­ri­ty pro­fes­sion­al ser­vices organ­i­sa­tion, Salt­bush Group. Salt­bush spe­cialis­es in con­sult­ing, devel­op­ment solu­tions and train­ing with­in the infor­ma­tion and cyber secu­ri­ty sec­tor. The acqui­si­tion will sig­nif­i­cant­ly increase UXC’s capa­bil­i­ties in this sec­tor, where con­cerns relat­ing to data secu­ri­ty and cyber threats are on the rise. 

Cor­po­rate part­ner Alis­tair Jaque led the deals for Swaab. We are very pleased to have been on the UXC team again on these two major trans­ac­tions, which will allow the UXC group to grow into new mar­kets and extend its ser­vices offering”. 

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