
Sona Pan­choly, Pres­i­dent of Mer­i­tas presents to Swaab

We are thrilled to be host­ing the 2024 Mer­i­tas ANZ Region­al Meet­ing! Sona Pan­choly, Pres­i­dent of Mer­i­tas, deliv­ered an engag­ing pre­sen­ta­tion to the Swaab team, high­light­ing the ser­vices and pro­grams that empow­er mem­ber firms like ours to com­pete, grow, and excel in client ser­vice. Sona also shared an insight­ful update on Mer­i­tas’ finan­cial per­for­mance, future out­look, and key ele­ments of the strate­gic plan. To cap off the ses­sion, Sona answered ques­tions from the room and we shared inspir­ing client suc­cess stories.

Mer­i­tas Mem­ber Con­tacts & Emerg­ing Leader: Mar­ry Digiglio, Marc Bad­dams & James Skelton 

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