
Press Release | Swaab Announces Five Senior Promotions

We are pleased to announce five senior pro­mo­tions in key prac­tice areas of the firm effec­tive, 1 July 2024


  • Esther Khoo — Spe­cial Counsel
  • Ste­vie-Lee Nobbs — Associate
  • Rebec­ca Priem — Senior Associate 
  • John Trinh - Spe­cial Counsel
  • Stu­art Bock­ing — Associate

I’m thrilled to announce the pro­mo­tions of Esther Khoo to Spe­cial Coun­sel, Ste­vie-Lee Nobbs to Asso­ciate, Rebec­ca Priem to Senior Asso­ciate, John Trinh to Spe­cial Coun­sel, and Stu­art Bock­ing to Asso­ciate, effec­tive from 1 July 2024. Their ded­i­ca­tion, exper­tise, and unwa­ver­ing com­mit­ment to client ser­vice have been instru­men­tal in our fir­m’s suc­cess. We look for­ward to their con­tin­ued con­tri­bu­tions and lead­er­ship as we strive to pro­vide unri­valled val­ue for mon­ey and qual­i­ty of ser­vice for our clients with our hall­mark of Gen­eros­i­ty of Spir­it and com­mit­ment to liv­ing the Swaab Brand of Ser­vice” said Mary Digiglio — Man­ag­ing Part­ner Swaab.

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