What’s mak­ing headlines?

Con­grat­u­la­tions to Michael Byrnes for win­ning the Employ­ment and HR in Mon­daq’s Autumn 2023 Thought Lead­er­ship Award.

Con­grat­u­la­tions to Michael Byrnes for win­ning the Employ­ment and HR in Mon­daq’s Autumn 2023 Thought Lead­er­ship Award. The award was based on demon­strat­ing excep­tion­al knowl­edge and insight, pro­vid­ing valu­able legal insights and advice to Mon­daq’s glob­al audience. Autumn 2023 Thought Lead­er­ship Awards Employ­ment and HR…

Con­grat­u­la­tions to Swaab’s Fam­i­ly law team for being recog­nised in Doyles Guide as a Rec­om­mend­ed Lead­ing Fam­i­ly & Divorce Law Firms – Syd­ney, 2024

Con­grat­u­la­tions to Swaab’s Fam­i­ly law team for being recog­nised in Doyles Guide as a Rec­om­mend­ed Lead­ing Fam­i­ly & Divorce Law Firms – Syd­ney, 2024. Con­grat­u­la­tions also goes to Greg Park­er for being recog­nised in Doyles Guide as a Rec­om­mend­ed Lead­ing Fam­i­ly & Divorce Lawyers, Syd­ney 2024 & Rec­om­mend­ed Lead­ing Par­ent­ing & Children’s Mat­ters Lawyer – New South…

Aus­tralian Legal Sec­tor Alliance (AUSLSA) 2023 Annu­al Review of the State of CSR

As a found­ing mem­ber of the Aus­tralian Legal Sec­tor Alliance, an indus­try-led asso­ci­a­tion with a mis­sion to work col­lab­o­ra­tive­ly to pro­mote sus­tain­able prac­tices across the legal sec­tor, we are com­mit­ted to our ini­tia­tives, both sim­ple and com­plex. We have intro­duced sta­tionery recy­cling dri­ves, waste recy­cling, and reduc­ing pow­er usage through such ini­tia­tives…

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