What’s mak­ing headlines?

Swaab advis­es on deal to form leader in con­struc­tion indus­try insur­ance broking

Swaab advised Aus­trali­a’s largest pri­vate­ly owned insur­ance bro­ker Cov­er­force on the acqui­si­tion of Aus­tralian insur­ance bro­ker MA Risk Solutions. Cov­er­force has acquired 100% of the Aus­tralian oper­a­tions of MA Risk Solu­tions which Cov­er­force CEO, Jim Ange­lis, says will strength­en Cov­er­force’s posi­tion as the insur­ance bro­ker of choice for the Aus­tralian con­struc­tion industry…

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