What’s mak­ing headlines?

When kind­ness is cru­el — War­wick Ryan cit­ed in Smartcompany

Employ­ment law spe­cial­ist War­wick Ryan has crit­i­cised the Fair Work Com­mis­sion’s deci­sion in a recent unfair dis­missal case for Pat­ties Food.  In April of this year, part-time store­man Heath Stephen­son was fired after dri­ving at an ​‘unrea­son­able dan­ger­ous high speed’ when arriv­ing at work one night. Although Pat­ties argued that Stephen­son’s ter­mi­na­tion…

War­wick Ryan Fea­tured in Smart­com­pa­ny on Kim­ber­ley Ports Author­i­ty Unfair Dis­missal Case

Employ­ment law spe­cial­ist War­wick Ryan has been cit­ed in a recent Smart­com­pa­ny arti­cle regard­ing the sack­ing of a work­er at Kim­ber­ley Ports Author­i­ty, who drove a fork­lift whilst under the influ­ence ear­li­er this year. The Fair Work Com­mis­sion approved the Port’s deci­sion, stat­ing that the like­li­hood of employ­ee Lee Ward mak­ing a ​‘gen­uine mis­take’…

War­wick Ryan Fea­tured In Smart­com­pa­ny on Par­malat Food Prod­ucts Unfair Dis­missal Case 

Employ­ment law spe­cial­ist War­wick Ryan has been cit­ed in a recent Smart­com­pa­ny arti­cle regard­ing the rein­state­ment of an unfair­ly dis­missed fork­lift dri­ver at Par­la­mat Food Products.  In March of this year, 63-year-old Christo­pher Tran was fired for fail­ing to abide by com­pa­ny pro­to­col in the event of a milk spillage. Despite the inci­dent…

War­wick Ryan fea­tured in Smart­Com­pa­ny on dis­abil­i­ty dis­crim­i­na­tion case

A for­mer employ­ee at Cor­rec­tive Ser­vices NSW has been award­ed more than $170,000 in com­pen­sa­tion after it was found that she had been unlaw­ful­ly dis­crim­i­nat­ed against. Caryn Huntley’s was diag­nosed with Chrohn’s Dis­ease, which is con­sid­ered to be a dis­abil­i­ty under Aus­tralian law. The court ruled that Cor­rec­tive Ser­vices failed to make ​“rea­son­able…

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