All arti­cles relat­ing to Helen Kowal’

NSW Con­struc­tion Indus­try Shut Down – Fur­ther Clar­i­fi­ca­tions | 6 August 2021

In brief:cer­tain works can recom­mence on con­struc­tion sites which are deemed both unoc­cu­pied and occu­pied sites out­side of ​‘affect­ed areas’.* While the restric­tions on un-occu­pied con­struc­tion sites have been relaxed some­what, there are still heavy restric­tions at occu­pied places of residence.  Works per­formed at occu­pied places of res­i­dence must be ​‘nec­es­sary’ and…

Con­struc­tion Shut Down Update – Recom­mis­sion­ing or Com­mence­ment works allowed on cer­tain Con­struc­tion Sites as of 29 July 2021

On 28 July 2021, the Min­is­ter passed amend­ments to clause 24AB intro­duced on 18 July 2021 under the Pub­lic Health (Covid-19 Tem­po­rary Move­ment and Gath­er­ing Restric­tions) Amend­ment (No 16) Order 2021 (the Orders), adding an addi­tion­al clause to allow Con­trac­tors in the Greater Syd­ney area to per­form recom­mis­sion­ing works on…

Pro­posed Changes to Con­struc­tion Shut­down Orders under Pub­lic Health (Covid-19 Tem­po­rary Move­ment and Gath­er­ing Restric­tions) Order 2021

Whilst we are await­ing con­fir­ma­tion in writ­ing of the pro­posed changes, the NSW Gov­ern­ment today announced amend­ments to the Orders to allow con­struc­tions sites with­in the Greater Syd­ney to recom­mence works as of 31 July 2021. How­ev­er, there will be much greater con­trol on the atten­dance of employ­ees, con­trac­tors and…

Con­grat­u­la­tions to our Prop­er­ty, Plan­ning & Projects (PPP) team for being recog­nised in the Doyles Guide 2021

Mary Digiglio as a Rec­om­mend­ed Leas­ing & Prop­er­ty & Real Estate Lawyer — NSW, 2021 Emma Flem­ing as a Rec­om­mend­ed Town Plan­ning & Devel­op­ment Lawyer — NSW, 2021Tony D’Agosti­no as a Rec­om­mend­ed Prop­er­ty & Real Estate Lawyer — NSW, 2021 Our ded­i­ca­tion pro­fes­sion­als have been select­ed because of their exper­tise and abil­i­ties, focus on client ser­vice and their com­mit­ment to excel­lence. We…

Helen Kow­al to present on 25 March 2021 for Legal­wise | Design and Build­ing Prac­ti­tion­ers Act 2020: New Duties and Penal­ties for Architects

Helen Kow­al shares an out­line of the new duties and penal­ties for archi­tects under the new Design and Build­ing Prac­ti­tion­ers Act 2020. She will be delv­ing fur­ther into this top­ic at the upcom­ing Law for Archi­tects: Cru­cial Issues in Com­pli­ance and Con­tracts sem­i­nar on Thurs­day 25 March. Read out­line here…

UniLodge Aus­tralia Pty Ltd & Anor v the Own­ers Stra­ta plan 54026 [2020] NSW­CATCD | Costs decision

In a pre­vi­ous new arti­cle (here), Helen Kow­al – Part­ner and Sean Green­wood – Senior Asso­ciate, recent­ly act­ed for a lot owner/​building man­ag­er in a stra­ta appli­ca­tion to the NSW Civ­il and Admin­is­tra­tive Tri­bunal, suc­cess­ful­ly seek­ing orders for the removal of the exist­ing stra­ta com­mit­tee and for the com­pul­so­ry appoint­ment of a stra­ta man­ag­er…

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