What’s mak­ing headlines?

Gov­ern­ment Pass­es Land­mark Bill to Com­bat Sex­u­al Harassment

The House of Rep­re­sen­ta­tives has passed the Sex Dis­crim­i­na­tion and Fair Work (Respect at Work) Amend­ment Bill 2021. The Bill imple­ments cer­tain rec­om­men­da­tions of the Aus­tralian Human Rights Com­mis­sion report, Respect@Work: Nation­al Inquiry into Sex­u­al Harass­ment in Aus­tralian Work­places pre­sent­ed to the Gov­ern­ment by the Sex Dis­crim­i­na­tion Com­mis­sion­er, Kate Jenk­ins…

Rein­tro­duc­tion of Nation­al Cab­i­net’s Manda­to­ry Code of Con­duct for Com­mer­cial Leas­ing in NSW 14 Aug 21

NSW Gov­ern­ment will rein­tro­duce the Nation­al Cab­i­net’s Manda­to­ry Code of Con­duct for Com­mer­cial Leasing  On 13 August 2021, the NSW Gov­ern­ment announced it will rein­tro­duce the Nation­al Cab­i­net’s Manda­to­ry Code of Con­duct for Com­mer­cial Leas­ing until 13 Jan­u­ary 2022 man­dat­ing rent relief for eli­gi­ble ten­ants impact­ed by Covid-19. The Retail and Oth­er…

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