What’s mak­ing headlines?

The Inter­na­tion­al Bar Asso­ci­a­tion (IBA) today released its first glob­al sur­vey on Men­tal Well­be­ing in the Legal Profession

Work­ing with the IBA Legal Pol­i­cy & Research Unit team led by Sara Carnegie and George Art­ley, inter­na­tion­al sur­veys were con­duct­ed. A team of experts from every con­ti­nent was assem­bled. This report is the result of those efforts. With key find­ings, and the rec­om­men­da­tions of exist­ing reports and stud­ies into lawyer well­be­ing from…

Michael Byrnes con­tributed to the arti­cle, Soon you’ll need to be vac­ci­nat­ed to enjoy shops, cafes and events but what about the staff there?”, which appears in The Con­ver­sa­tion on 23 Sep­tem­ber 2021

Michael Byrnes con­tributed to the arti­cle, ​“Soon you’ll need to be vac­ci­nat­ed to enjoy shops, cafes and events — but what about the staff there?”, writ­ten by Asso­ciate Pro­fes­sor Hol­ly Seale, which appears in The Con­ver­sa­tion on 23 Sep­tem­ber 2021.To read the full arti­cle click here…

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