What’s mak­ing headlines?

Nick Dale will be speak­ing at the ACC 2023 In-House Coun­sel Day in Syd­ney — 18 May 2023

Nick Dale — Part­ner, Lit­i­ga­tion & Insol­ven­cy, will be speak­ing at the upcom­ing ACC 2023 In-House Coun­sel Day in Syd­ney, on the top­ic of, ​‘Nav­i­gat­ing an uncer­tain econ­o­my: sail­ing the seas of insol­ven­cy’ Nick will be co-pre­sent­ing with Karen Petch a com­mer­cial Bar­ris­ter with spe­cial­ist expe­ri­ence in insol­ven­cy and cor­po­ra­tions law. Event Details…

The New World of For­eign Direct Invest­ment, April 2023

This pub­li­ca­tion offers prac­ti­cal advice and guid­ance from high­ly respect­ed inter­na­tion­al law firms about what for­eign investors can expect to encounter when invest­ing in key juris­dic­tions. His­toric atti­tudes favour­ing glob­al­iza­tion are fun­da­men­tal­ly chang­ing the world. This trend direct­ly impacts future for­eign direct invest­ment trans­ac­tions as nations place high­er pri­or­i­ties on…

2023 Mer­i­tas​‘Elite’ Law Firm Network

Cham­bers’ in-depth research teams assess lawyers and law firms across more than 200 juris­dic­tions around the world, pro­vid­ing inde­pen­dent and impar­tial intel­li­gence and mar­ket insight. Its research method­ol­o­gy is unri­valed in accu­ra­cy, depth, and qual­i­ty, deliv­er­ing indis­pens­able data insights based on rank­ings that tru­ly reflect abil­i­ty and talent. “This annu­al recog­ni­tion…

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