What’s mak­ing headlines?

Mer­i­tas Announces New Board of Direc­tors Class Elect­ed at Annu­al Meet­ing in Chica­go, Illi­nois, USA

The new direc­tors are: Drew Dill­worth of Stearns Weaver Miller in Mia­mi, Flori­da, USAEsther Domínguez of Marimón Abo­ga­dos in Barcelona, SpainAman­da Esch of Davis & Canon in Cheyenne, Wyoming, USAMatthew Evans of Damon Key Leong Kupchak Hastert in Hon­olu­lu, Hawaii, USAAndrew Lam­bros of Ben­nett & Philp Lawyers in Bris­bane, AustraliaDavid Reid of Brazeau Sell­er Law in Ottawa, Ontario, CanadaPhilip…

James Skel­ton & Anna Sharpe are rep­re­sent­ing Swaab at the INTA 2023 Annu­al Meet­ing Live+ in Singapore

James Skel­ton & Anna Sharpe are rep­re­sent­ing Swaab at the Inter­na­tion­al Trade­mark Asso­ci­a­tion (INTA) 2023 Annu­al Meet­ing Live+ which con­nects the most influ­en­tial brand pro­fes­sion­als from across the globe and indus­tries at the largest gath­er­ing of its kind. This year locat­ed at the Sands Expo & Con­ven­tion Cen­tre, 10 Bayfront Avenue, 018956…

Helen Kow­al appeared on Own­ers Cor­po­ra­tion Net­work’s webi­nar on Reme­di­al work and the Build­ing Prac­ti­tion­ers ACT

Helen Kow­al appeared on Own­ers Cor­po­ra­tion Net­work’s webi­nar on Reme­di­al work and the Build­ing Prac­ti­tion­ers ACT.  The OCN host­ed this impor­tant webi­nar pre­sent­ed by Matt Press, Exec­u­tive Direc­tor, Com­pli­ance and Dis­pute Res­o­lu­tion NSW Depart­ment of Cus­tomer Ser­vice, Helen Kow­al, Part­ner Swaab, and Deb­o­rah Lock­hart, Man­ag­er Risk, and Com­pli­ance RHM Con­sult­ing. The…

Press Release | Three New Senior Appoint­ments for Swaab

Wel­come:Rose­mary Tedesco — Spe­cial Coun­sel, Prop­er­ty, Plan­ning & Projects,Emma Nichelsen — Senior Asso­ciate, Fam­i­ly Law, and Chloe Howard — Asso­ciate, Prop­er­ty, Plan­ning & Projects“These senior appoint­ments come at a sig­nif­i­cant time in the fir­m’s con­tin­ued growth jour­ney. Their impres­sive exper­tise and expe­ri­ence enable us to remain ahead of the curve in serv­ing our clien­t’s needs…

Marc Bad­dams and Cather­ine Li’s arti­cle Direc­tors’ access to com­pa­ny books: Nav­i­gat­ing Statu­to­ry and com­mon law require­ments in Aus­tralia’ has been pub­lished by the Gov­er­nance Insti­tute of Australia

Marc Bad­dams and Cather­ine Li’s arti­cle ​‘Direc­tors’ access to com­pa­ny books: Nav­i­gat­ing Statu­to­ry and com­mon law require­ments in Aus­tralia’ has been pub­lished by the Gov­er­nance Insti­tute of Aus­tralia. Key ele­ments of the arti­cle include: To man­age a com­pa­ny and dis­charge their duties, direc­tors need access to com­pa­ny information.Direc­tors have statu­to­ry rights and com­mon…

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