
New lawyer joins our Lit­i­ga­tion team

We are delight­ed to wel­come new addi­tion, Alexan­dra Streltso­va to the Lit­i­ga­tion team.

Alexan­dra will be work­ing along­side Part­ner Marc Bad­dams and the lit­i­ga­tion team bring­ing over 10 years of expe­ri­ence in com­mer­cial dis­pute res­o­lu­tion and litigation. 

Alexan­dra prac­tices pre­dom­i­nant­ly in the areas of com­mer­cial dis­pute res­o­lu­tion and lit­i­ga­tion, insol­ven­cy and com­mer­cial advice, has a broad range of expe­ri­ence in act­ing for and against major Banks and oth­er finan­cial ser­vices insti­tu­tions, advis­ing cor­po­rate and pri­vate clients in rela­tion to a broad spec­trum of com­mer­cial dis­putes relat­ing to con­trac­tu­al issues, prop­er­ty dis­putes and claims under the Aus­tralian Con­sumer Law.

We look for­ward to col­lab­o­rat­ing with Alexan­dra and con­tribut­ing to the future of the firm to devel­op skills that both com­ple­ment and add a new dimen­sion to our team.

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