The par­ents, hus­band and broth­er of miss­ing fraud­ster Melis­sa Cad­dick have been giv­en for­mal notice that her assets, which include cars, jew­ellery and two prop­er­ties, are to be sold sub­ject to court approval.

Michael Hayter who is rep­re­sent­ing the court-appoint­ed Liq­uida­tors said, I have been instruct­ed to imme­di­ate­ly issue notices”. Mr Hayter said the notices had been sent to Ms Caddick’s fam­i­ly mem­bers on Wednes­day after­noon fol­low­ing the pub­li­ca­tion of Fed­er­al Court Jus­tice Brigitte Markovic’s judgment.

To read the full SMH arti­cle click here

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