
Michael Hayter is quot­ed in the SMH arti­cle Forg­eries, footwear and frocks: Fight over fraud­ster Melis­sa Caddick’s last assets’

Forged sig­na­tures, valu­able sneak­ers and miss­ing dress­es being held by the hus­band of miss­ing fraud­ster Melis­sa Cad­dick fea­tured in the lat­est court stoush as receivers try to wind up the conwoman’s estate.

On Wednes­day, Michael Hayter — Insol­ven­cy Part­ner and the solic­i­tor rep­re­sent­ing the receivers, expressed frus­tra­tion over the refusal of her sec­ond hus­band, hair­dress­er Antho­ny Kolet­ti, to hand back some of his wife’s dresses.

A col­lec­tion of 30 pairs of high-end sneak­ers col­lect­ed by Caddick’s 17-year-old son is also prov­ing to be contentious.

I know this is going to sound pet­ty,” said Hayter, adding: They’re not the nor­mal type sneak­ers that I wear.”

But from what receivers could ascer­tain, at least one pair pur­chased by his moth­er from Chris­t­ian Dior could be val­ued at $12,000 if they were in mint con­di­tion, the solic­i­tor said.

Hayter said Kolet­ti was frus­trat­ing the receivers’ request to be able to inspect the shoes to see whether they have any val­ue. If not, we can move on,” he said.

To read the full arti­cle com­bined with Chan­nel 10 video footage click here

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