
Mary Digiglio fea­tured in Lawyers Week­ly on well­ness in law 

Man­ag­ing Part­ner Mary Digiglio has been quot­ed in a Lawyers Week­ly arti­cle regard­ing well­ness cul­ture in law firms.

Man­ag­ing Part­ner Mary Digiglio has been quot­ed in a Lawyers Week­ly arti­cle regard­ing well­ness cul­ture in law firms.

The piece by author, speak­er and con­sul­tant at The Well­ness Doc­trines, Jerome Doraisamy explores the impor­tance of look­ing after your­self as a lawyer or law stu­dent and how this cul­ture must per­me­ate from the top.

Mary Digiglio agreed with Jerome, stat­ing Peo­ple look to the head of a firm to test the authen­tic­i­ty of the firm’s val­ues and strat­e­gy… In my opin­ion, if peo­ple don’t see evi­dence of the val­ues being lived by the head of a firm, those val­ues are instant­ly compromised.”

To read the full Lawyers Week­ly arti­cle click here.

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