
Mary Digiglio fea­tured in Law Soci­ety Journal

The lead­ers in our pro­fes­sion have a vital role – to grant per­mis­sion for men­tal health and well­be­ing to be a con­tin­u­ing con­ver­sa­tion in their firms and organisations.”

Chair of Mer­i­tas Aus­tralia and New Zealand Region­al Com­mit­tee Mary Digiglio fea­tured in the Law Soci­ety Jour­nal to dis­cuss the recent Well­ness sur­vey which was con­duct­ed by Mer­i­tas Aus­tralia and New Zealand and revealed most employ­ees at small- and medi­um-sized law firms feel their men­tal health and well­be­ing is impor­tant to their firm, many believe there is an open-door pol­i­cy which enables them to seek help.

Read the arti­cle here

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