Fam­i­ly law spe­cial­ist Mar­i­lyn Haupt­mann has been fea­tured in Aus­tralian Finan­cial Review online on the recent tax changes affect­ing house­holds going through a divorce or separation.

Fam­i­ly law spe­cial­ist Mar­i­lyn Haupt­mann has been fea­tured in Aus­tralian Finan­cial Review online on the recent tax changes affect­ing house­holds going through a divorce or separation.

Although news broke a few months ago that divorce pay­outs from com­pa­nies will be tax­able under a new tax rul­ing, lawyers and accoun­tants say most peo­ple like­ly to be affect­ed know next to noth­ing about it.


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