Family Law specialist Marilyn Hauptmann has been cited in a recent Australian Financial Review article discussing the small measures that can be taken preemptively to improve the chances of protecting wealth if a relationship splits up.
Family Law specialist Marilyn Hauptmann has been cited in a recent Australian Financial Review article discussing the small measures that can be taken preemptively to improve the chances of protecting wealth if a relationship splits up. Marilyn observed that:
“For younger couples who don’t want to go down the pre-nup route, meticulous record-keeping of assets kept separate may reduce the likelihood it will be added to the overall wealth pot, says Marilyn Hauptmann, a partner at Swaab Attorneys.
“Say someone receives a gift during the course of their marriage, like an inheritance, and they mingle that with other assets – they reduce the mortgage, they buy a property – it’s no longer protected at all. But if you can show the court that from day one you have attempted to keep everything separate, it will assist a tiny bit,” she says.
“It doesn’t mean that the court can’t look at those assets, [but] if it’s totally kept separate, it’s easier to pinpoint your contributions on that side of the ledger.”
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