
Major update in fight over Melis­sa Caddick’s $12k sneakers

A $3m ini­tial dis­tri­b­u­tion” pay­ment to be shared between 55 investors was announced in August by account­ing firm Jones Partners.

Michael Hayter, the solic­i­tor act­ing for the receivers, told the court at the time that one pair of Chris­t­ian Dior sneak­ers pur­chased by Ms Cad­dick could be worth approx­i­mate­ly $12,000, if it was still in mint condition. 

On Mon­day morn­ing, Mr Hayter told Jus­tice Brigitte Markovic that the receivers had come to an agree­ment with the fam­i­ly for Caddick’s son to retain some of the sneak­ers from the collection.

Mr Hayter said that he would be allowed to keep the sneak­ers worth less mon­ey, while the receivers would sell off the more high-end footwear.

A deal has been done with (Caddick’s hus­band Antho­ny Kolet­ti) on behalf of (Caddick’s son) that the (son) retain half of the less­er-val­ue sneak­ers and the receivers will then realise the high­er net worth val­ue sneak­ers,” Mr Hayter told the court.

The court heard that two super­an­nu­a­tion accounts in Caddick’s name — each con­tain­ing approx­i­mate­ly $30,000 each — would be recov­ered to pay back investors.

Mr Hayter told the court that one of the super funds had been topped up using ill-got­ten investor funds.

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