
Julie Briscoe will be pre­sent­ing at REGrowth’s work­shop on Mon­day 30 May 2022

Julie Briscoe will dis­cuss the legal aspects aris­ing from the acqui­si­tion and divest­ment of real estate sales / prop­er­ty man­age­ment businesses

If you are think­ing about buy­ing a busi­ness, suc­ces­sion plan­ning, a merge event or sell­ing your busi­ness now or in the future — then our Acqui­si­tion & Divest­ment Work­shop is one not to miss on the 30th May 20022 

  • Loca­tion: Lev­el 4, 20 Hunter Street, Syd­ney NSW 2000
  • Time: The course will run from 9:30am — 4:00pm

To find out more and to book tick­ets Click Here

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