How has Swaab been so successful in achieving gender diversity in a profession that has struggled for so long?
The success of Swaab has been built on our culture. Our firm has a history of gender diversity, having being led by females. The female leaders have influenced our firm’s long history of promoting flexibility, diversity and an inclusive culture.
Presently, 54% of our partners are female, our CEO of about 20 years before me was also a female. We do not have policies around quotas for gender and diversity in our firm and have never needed them because living and breathing diversity is just how we have always existed. We also do not have a gender pay gap in our firm, for which we are very proud.
Having a workforce which is diverse in gender, age, ethnicity, religion and political persuasion facilitates permission for every individual in our firm to have a voice about all sorts of issues. Our position on diversity and inclusion is a natural extension of our firm’s focus on the wellbeing of every person associated with our firm.
- Mary Digiglio, Managing Partner, Accredited Specialist, Director, mother, sister, wife and friend.