
Gotcha4Life Foun­da­tion fundrais­er at Swaab

Part­ner, Helen Kow­al and Head of Peo­ple and Cul­ture, Angela Sharpe and a team of helpers host­ed the Gotcha4Life Foun­da­tion fundrais­er at Swaab on Sat­ur­day night. Our staff, fam­i­lies and friends had a fan­tas­tic evening with plen­ty of danc­ing, thanks to the Dow Jones & the All Ordi­nar­ies. Every­one who attend­ed did their bit to make the evening a suc­cess and to raise mon­ey for such a wor­thy foun­da­tion. This fundrais­er is one of our numer­ous men­tal health aware­ness ini­tia­tives this month — Men­tal Health Month. #men­tal­healthaware­ness #cul­ture #suc­cess #thanky­ou

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