
Beyond a break-up — Aus­trali­a’s first divorce centre

We are proud to be part­ner­ing with The Divorce Tan­go, Aus­trali­a’s first nation­al divorce cen­tre estab­lished by Cheryl Duffy, Cer­ti­fied Divorce Coach & Author.

The Divorce Cen­tre is a one stop shop help­ing clients nav­i­gate one of life’s most stress­ful expe­ri­ences and pro­vides legal, emo­tion­al and finan­cial advice through an expe­ri­enced nation­al and local team of divorce coach­es, lawyers, medi­a­tors, finan­cial plan­ners, and psy­chol­o­gists.

We have a wealth of expe­ri­ence through­out our fam­i­ly law team, with both male and female accred­it­ed spe­cial­ist fam­i­ly lawyers avail­able to help you. Our advice is reli­able, objec­tive and prac­ti­cal and have years of expe­ri­ence deal­ing with sen­si­tive and com­pli­cat­ed fam­i­ly law cases.

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