Acri­mo­nious words have been exchanged over the guardian­ship of the teenage son of miss­ing fraud­ster Melis­sa Cad­dick, Fed­er­al Court doc­u­ments reveal.

Frus­tra­tion appears to be grow­ing for the court-appoint­ed receivers who are try­ing to sell Ms Caddick’s assets but are being pre­vent­ed from doing so by mem­bers of her fam­i­ly who are stak­ing claims on assets includ­ing real estate and jew­ellery. Michael Hayter — Part­ner, Swaab has point­ed out that many of those who thought Ms Cad­dick had suc­cess­ful­ly invest­ed their funds in the share mar­ket had lost their life’s sav­ings and are also hav­ing their own men­tal health issues and going through trau­ma as a result of what has occurred”. 

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