
2013 Swaab Promotions

Swaab has announced their Asso­ciate and Senior Asso­ciate pro­mo­tions for 2013.

Swaab has announced its Asso­ciate and Senior Asso­ciate pro­mo­tions for 2013. Lawyers Eliz­a­beth DeBono and Kel­ly Mar­shall have both been pro­mot­ed to the role of asso­ciate, and Tom John­ston has been pro­mot­ed to the role of Senior Asso­ciate. Both Eliz­a­beth and Tom are a part of our lit­i­ga­tion prac­tice and Kel­ly works across both our cor­po­rate and com­mer­cial teams.

CEO Bron­wyn Pott prais­es the efforts of Eliz­a­beth, Kel­ly and Tom It is with great pride that we make this announce­ment. Eliz­a­beth, Kel­ly and Tom have all worked extreme­ly hard but more impor­tant­ly their devel­op­ment has been a delight to watch. The part­ner­ship and I con­grat­u­late them whole heartedly”.

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