We believe lit­i­ga­tion is the last resort and not the first option. Unfor­tu­nate­ly, some­times estate lit­i­ga­tion is unavoid­able and we can help you nav­i­gate this process. We pro­vide prac­ti­cal and easy to under­stand advice dur­ing this dif­fi­cult time for clients.

We can help you deal with all aspects of chal­leng­ing a will, defend­ing a will, fam­i­ly pro­vi­sion claims or oth­er con­test­ed estate issues. We also help clients with con­test­ed mat­ters about estate admin­is­tra­tion or seek­ing the appoint­ment of an inde­pen­dent admin­is­tra­tor for the estate.

We have exten­sive knowl­edge in act­ing for plain­tiffs, ben­e­fi­cia­ries, execu­tors and admin­is­tra­tors in claims about:

  • fam­i­ly provision;
  • caveats on probate;
  • lack of tes­ta­men­tary capacity;
  • lack of knowl­edge and approval and sus­pi­cious circumstances;
  • undue influ­ence; and
  • appoint­ment of inde­pen­dent administrators.

As a mul­ti-dis­ci­pli­nary law firm, we can offer you a big advan­tage if you ever need our help with an estate lit­i­ga­tion mat­ter. We under­stand the inter­re­la­tion between estate lit­i­ga­tion and oth­er areas of law which could have a bear­ing on your case, includ­ing fam­i­ly law, prop­er­ty law, busi­ness law, com­mer­cial law and insol­ven­cy. The fact that we have great peo­ple work­ing in all these areas means that we can quick­ly involve oth­er experts in your case if we need to.

Get in touch

If you have any queries about a legal issue or wish to talk to someone about a legal matter please get in touch and we'll contact you promptly.

*Mandatory information