
Michael Byrnes | ACC- Crack­ing the Code: Mas­ter­ing Aus­tralian Employ­ment Leg­is­la­tion Changes

Get ready to nav­i­gate the evolv­ing land­scape of Aus­tralian employ­ment leg­is­la­tion with ACC Aus­tralia, along­side part­ners Michael Byrnes - Swaab, Bak­er McKen­zie, and Source.

In today’s dynam­ic legal envi­ron­ment, stay­ing ahead is cru­cial. Host­ed by Lori Mid­dle­hurst, this half day event promis­es deep insights into the lat­est leg­isla­tive shifts, fos­ter­ing col­lab­o­ra­tion between legal and HR teams.

📅 Don’t Miss Out! Mark your cal­en­dar now and secure your place. 

Reg­is­ter today: https://​lnkd​.in/​g​w​C​_hQrG

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